Licensing FAQ


Q:We are considering expanding our title agency licensing into other states.We hold a resident agency license and have two individual resident licensed title insurance producers in our home state. Will the licensed producers be required to take exams and comply with each state’s continuing education requirements, or is there some reciprocity between my home state and states where we will hold non-resident agency and agent status?

A:Most states allow non-resident agents with equivalent home-state exam, licensing, and continuing education requirements to utilize their home state status to comply with the out-of-state requirements; however, there are instances where an agency and/or agent must abide by a non-resident state’s specific requirements. System 2 Thinking has vast experience with title agency licensing and can provide you with further information and assistance as part of our services.

Q: I would like to expand my title agency licensing into other states, but I’m frustrated because I don’t know how to become licensed outside of my home state.Can System 2 Thinking assist me with this title agency licensing project?

A:Yes. System 2 Thinking has a bank of information regarding state-by-state licensing, and our staff is well-versed in licensing requirements and fees for each state and has all the necessary forms to apply for these licenses. System 2 Thinking experts have various programs to assist you during this challenging process.

Q: We are considering title agency licensing, but we aren’t sure how much the regulatory fees will be and do not want to embark on this project without advance notice of our expenditures. What is the easiest way to gather this information?

A:Our team at System 2 Thinking has a matrix of title agency licensing and related regulatory fees associated with each state’s requirements, and we’re happy to supply you with this information as part of our services.

Q: My company was recently issued a title insurance agency and individual title agent producer license for Virginia.Are we able to conduct closings for Virginia now?

A: Toconduct closings for the State of Virginia, you must first register your agency with the Virginia State Bar and obtain a RESA registration. You must also continue to meet the RESA requirements to remain eligible for this status. The informative team at System 2 Thinking can provide further details as part of our services.

Q: We want a title insurance agency for Nevada,but we wish to do business from our hub office in New Jersey. How would we find out if this is allowed?

A:System 2 Thinking stays up to date with all title agency licensing requirements for title agency and agent licensing for each state. For Nevada, the agency must have a physical location and a licensed resident agent for the State of Nevada and meet other requirements to do business there. System 2 Thinking can provide all necessary information and assistance as part of our services.

Q: I have a limited staff, and I am having trouble keeping up with our license, insurance, and related expiration dates. Is this an area of my operations that can be outsourced to System 2 Thinking?

A:Yes. System 2 Thinking can track any title agency licensing, appointment, insurance, continuing education, or related expiration, renewal, or requirement dates. We can tailor a program for you, keep track of your important information and notify you in a timely way of all your upcoming deadlines.

Q: I would like to expand my title agency licensing into Florida.Am I required to have a physical location in Florida and have a licensed Florida agent at this Florida’s physical location?

A:In many cases, having a physical office in Florida with a licensed Florida agent is no longer required; however, there are several exceptions to this policy. System 2 Thinking has an up-to-date matrix of each state’s requirements and can offer further information upon request.

Q: I am applying for my title agency license for Ohio, but I am not registered with the Secretary of State.Is this registration required to obtain my license, and since I do not have an office in Ohio, how would I qualify to do business there?

A:Yes. Before obtaining your title agency license, you must qualify with the Secretary of State in Ohio. You can appoint a registered agent to represent you in Ohio, and System 2 Thinking can assist you by referring you to companies that can serve in this capacity.

Q: I do not have the expertise to arrange for my incorporation or qualification to do business for the states we plan to work in.Can System 2 Thinking help with title agency foreign qualifications or incorporations?

A:Yes. System 2 Thinking can coordinate your filings for your entity’s incorporation and/or qualification.

Contact us today for more information on this valuable service.

As always, we’re happy to help in any way during this difficult process. Let us make it easier for you. Please call 9174200333 for assistance.

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Allen Solomon


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