It’s not easy keeping track of multiple filing dates, statutory updates, and changes to jurisdiction rules. Choosing System 2 Thinking as your outsourced compliance partner grants you access to our license compliance tracking solutions to help you maintain the good standing of your agency. A good license tracking solution lets you avoid the risk of losing licensure—and the costly reinstatement fees that go along with it.
The System 2 Thinking Compliance Calendar® automatically creates calendar events around license expirations and related filing obligations and sends you email alerts to keep you apprised of upcoming filing due dates.
Access Corporate Tracker, a proactive monitoring service that checks for and alerts you of licensure events 30-60 days in advance.
Your dedicated team of entity experts provides live, personalized service to meet your needs.
System 2 Thinking’s Corporate Entity Tracking solution:
The Corporate Tracker shared matrix in System 2 Thinking’s arsenal enables clients to review their entities’ licensing status on a single page for quick review.
As always, we’re happy to help during this complex process. Let us make it easier for you. Please call 917.420.0333 for assistance.